VK2RAY now available via Echolink
Thanks to the stirling work of Ron VK2TRL. The VK2RAY 2m Repeater now has echolink capability ! You can access the repeater via echolink using the echolink software connected to VK2TRL-R. Try it out i’m sure those of you outside the range of RAY will love it.
Frank VK2BFC
Hi all,
Good job & well done to Ron VK2TRL for linking his EchoLink node VK2TRL-R to VK2RAY on 2mts.
I have noticed a lot more activity now on the repeater, and its only early days.
73’s John vk3hjq
(vk3hjq EL 1262)
How to talk to the World without QRM, QRN & QSB. The answer is echolink!
Thanks to Ron VK2TRL , Frank VK2BFC, Peter VK2ZZA & Tom VK2MY and all the members of the Albury/ Wodonga Amateur Radio Club.