VK2BFC Echolink Node.

After many late nights and early mornings Frank VK2BFC & Rob VK2FAAA have completed the
VK2BFC-L Echolink node No. 388642.
Using the Echolink client software you can connect to the node from any part of the world either direct on your PC or by connecting via a local Echolink node in your area.
Local users are able to connect via RF on 147.525 Mhz FM.

Click here to download Echolink Client

Once connected you are able to use a variety of services and functions by using the dtmf pad on your radio’s microphone.

*      system status and ident

#      disconnect

11  play current weather conditions

22  play current temperature

319 play latest WIA News

91  connect to AUSSIE conference

92  connect to DX-LINK conference

93  connect to IRELAND conference

94  connect to NEWSLINE conference



In addition the link with broadcast the VK1WIA Weekly News at 10am Sunday mornings and at 7.30pm Sunday evening.  This can be heard both on RF and via the echolink connection.
More information can be found at the vk2bfc website

Hope to hear you on the link

Frank vk2bfc & Rob vk2faaa



  • John

    Hi Frank & Rob

    Nice to see another node up & running in the area.

    Just wondering what equipment you are running, as I can just hear it at Tallangatta , also when I connect directly to your node using EchoLink my callsign is not displayed as is usually the case when a station connects.

    Anyway good job setting it all up.

    73’s John vk3hjq
    (vk3hjq EL 1262)

  • Frank VK2BFC

    The echolink node is off the air until further notice pending some new equipment being obtained.

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