The VK2RAY Repeater Project

The Albury Wodonga Amateur Radio club has commissioned the first stage of their multi band / multi-mode repeater system on the VK2/VK3 Border. The VK2RAY Repeater is now operational on 70cm on a frequency of 438.575 MHz with – minus 5MHz offset. No CTCSS tone is required at this stage to access the device.

The VK2RAY Repeater Site


The repeater site is at the Hume weir overlooking the Albury / Wodonga region and initial tests show that coverage is excellent up and down the Hume Highway.





The VK2RAY Repeater Site

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Tom VK2MY & Peter VK2ZZA putting the final touches on the new repeater


The next stages of the AWARC project is the commissioning of a 2M Multi mode repeater, FM and DSTAR and commissioning of a 6M repeater. It is expected that the 2m repeater will be operational by the end of the year and the 6M by early 2016.

Once the 2 m repeater is commissioned the VK1WI Broadcast will be transmitted on the repeater every Sunday. At present it is broadcast on 147.525MHz from a site in Lavington which has a coverage of approx. 60Km.





  • Rob Groves

    I am so glad to be a part of a great team.


  • Jeepers, this information is 8 years old. What is the story with the 70cm RAY? Is it DMR, D-star, FM or C4FM? I think it is an amalgam of all the above.
    I rely on my pi-star hotspot for DMR. It monitors both VK-DMR and Brandmeister networks in one box!

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