Rewarding Correspondence!
“Hi Mr. Jacobs,
I hope your week is going well so far! My daughter Danielle has been spending some time with her grandparents when school gets out before I am able to pick her up after work. Her grandfather has always been involved in Ham Radio and has started to show Danielle what it’s all about. She has taken a huge interest in it surprisingly and wants to learn more about it.Last night she asked me if we could do some research so she could learn more and surprise her grandfather with what she’s learned.While we were searching we came across your Albury Wodonga Amateur Radio Club page http://www.awarc.org/links and Danielle learned a lot from the resources you listed. She wanted us to write you and say thanks!She also found this other page that talked about how to get started in radio contesting https://store.alansfactoryoutlet.com/Amateur-Radio-Contesting-from-your-Backyard-s/1925.htm She wanted to share it with you as a thank you and see if you would add it for other kids or adults interested in the hobby too.
It’s so nice seeing the two of them bond over this. Let me know if you add her suggestion, I know she would love to show her grandfather that she’s spreading the love for the hobby!
Thanks again!
That was interesting! Hope you told her about ALARA (Australian Ladies AR Assoc) & YLRL (Young Ladies Radio League) in the USA (also the oldest running yl group). Also YOTA (Youth-on-the-Air) is an interesting group. yl.beam is a monthly newsletter sent by Ham YL. 73 ZS5YH