Relocating VK2RAY
Below are some photos, taken by Rob VK2FAAA last weekend, of some very active AWARC volunteers preparing our transmitter out at the fish farm, RAY.
Everything had to come off the container; solar panels, antenna towers, even the side installation panels had to come off.
Before the actual moving of the container was scheduled to go ahead all items except a couple large ones were stored inside the container and locked up.
The final destination of all our equipment is Ross VK2DGY’s location, and once all has been reassembled and tested the current repeater on 2m 147. 050 will be turned off and go back to 147. 225. This will include the link system as well.
In photos: Ross VK2DGY, Ron VK2TRL and Mark VK3ASC. Rob VK2FAAA was busy taking photos.
Contributed by Rob VK2FAAA
The first four photos were taken at the working bee several weeks ago to prepare the new repeater site for the container. Thanks to Erwin VK3ERW for these photos.
Great job guys, those biscuits look nice….
Hi I am one of the short wave listeners that Greg VK2EXA says hello to on Your net. You guys are doing a great job for all our listening pleasure amateurs or not (even with antagonists at every step) keep up the good work gents.