Understanding modern digital modulation techniques

Understanding modern digital modulation techniques Fundamental to all wireless communications is modulation, the process of impressing the data to be transmitted on the radio carrier. Most wireless transmissions today are digital, and with the limited spectrum available, the type of modulation is more critical than it has ever been. Read the full PDF article here: Source: Electronic Design. Lou Frenzel […]

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Digital Voice Radio

Digital Voice Radio just became a lot easier “In the not so distant past”Sounds like the preamble of a book or movie. If you, are about to make the move into digital radio, you will be presented with choices, these will have an impact on your pocket and whom you will be able to talk to. Looking for what gives […]

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Wireless-X The Bible

Wireless-X The Bible By Dewey L. Hee WB7OEV In his Prior life was a System Administration working for the Boeing Company. He became interested in Amateur radio while working for the Boeing company in 1972… He began to wonder what else he could do with the FTM 400 and discovered this mode called Fusion, (CFM) and got bitten with the […]

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Digital Radio Hot Spot

Digital Radio Hot Spot If you’re like me, deciding to embark upon the world of digital radio, confusion is likely to be the result, likely to make you abandon the whole idea, going back to what you know and understand. However the digital mode experiencing rapid growth is DMR, but like all the others, requires a radio that uses that […]

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Simple compressor limiter

Simple compressor limiter Some years ago I designed a peak limiter to achieve more speech power when using single side band transmission, at the time National Semiconductors made a compressor IC that allowed to adjust the centre frequency thus where the compression took place. This value of C was such that it accommodated the frequency range of 300 Hz to […]

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RAY Working Bee

Here are a few photos from a working bee held last weekend at RAY the repeater site. The guys got the mast erected for our C4FM repeater connection. The tower now in use originally belonged to Mal McRae VK3FO. Present were Erwin, VK3ERW, Russ VK2BJP, Ron VK2TRL, Peter VK2CIM, Phil VK2CPR and Alex VK3FRED. Great work!

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