Homebrew 6 Element Yagi for 70cm

A fun little project I did over a couple of days was making this little 6 element yagi for 70cm. There are so many designs and ways one can do this so after some reading of different designsand measurements I came up with this (photos below). I decided to go for a dipole driven element fed by a “Bazooka Balun”. […]

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Raspberry Pi Power Supply

An issue confronting Raspberry Pi users is SD card corruption due do improper system shutdown. Ordinarily before removing power from the Raspberry Pi, one should execute the “sudo shutdown -h” Simple routine can be incorporated into the system, sensing either an operator shutdown or a power failure. Read the full PDF article here> Thanks to Rob VK2YMU for submitting this […]

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Digital Voice Radio

Digital Voice Radio just became a lot easier “In the not so distant past”Sounds like the preamble of a book or movie. If you, are about to make the move into digital radio, you will be presented with choices, these will have an impact on your pocket and whom you will be able to talk to. Looking for what gives […]

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What is Emphasis?

With any electrical signals, being the transmission over wires or radio, or the process of converting analog to digital or for whatever purpose, this will require some form of signal conditioning. The reason is that the converting process creates problems either to obtain acceptable signal to noise ratio or signal linearity. With digital conversion of an analog system the technique […]

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Hints and Kinks

HINTS AND KINKS – by Scotty VK2KE Speaker impedance When connecting a speaker to a receiver watch the impedance of the speaker so  that it matches the rig or receiver, if you connect a 4 ohm speaker to a receiver that is designed for 8 ohms, it may overload and destroy the audio amplifier transistors  in the receiver. Speaker quality […]

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