VK3HJQ Battery Backup for ICOM IC-290H Radio

From the shack of John VK3HJQ. I’ve had this problem with my Icom IC-290H Radio for years, that every time I turned off the power in the shack the radio would lose all its memory channels and I would then have to reprogram them all back in.

This was a simple process as there is only 5 channels in the radio to program but I was getting sick of doing this all the time, so I had a look around on the net and found that ICOM years ago sold a IC-BU1 memory backup battery unit with a NiCAD battery (7.2v 75mah) in it.

So I decided to make my own with parts I had laying around the shack including a NiMH battery (7.2V 180mah).

Click here to download the article including diagram>

Thanks John for sending in this article 🙂


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