Photos of Upper Murray Challenge 2018
Mt Elliot checkpoint manned by VK3ASC and Kathleen The Swampy Plains River at Rob VK2FAAA’s checkpoint Event manager at the trophy table The Swampy Plains River at Rob VK2FAAA’s checkpoint Some of AWARC’s operators at the final checkpoint Cheeky Kookaburra at a Khancoban Cafe
Photos of a working bee at the Scout hut preparing for JOTA 2018 and of JOTA 2018
Jota preparations at Camp Nelson – Greg VK2EXA working on the beam antenna. Greg VK2EXA winding up the tower after the work. at Camp Nelson JOTA station at Camp Nelson, Log Periodic antenna Grahame VK3JE at his station at Camp Nelson Greg VK2EXA at his station at Camp Nelson Greg VK2EXA’s outside station Greg VK2EXA’s outside station at Camp Nelson Scout leader Peter Thompson chatting to JOTA stations Greg VK2EXA’s outside station – must be windy! Greg VK2EXA setting up his outside station at Camp Nelson