
This site contains links to other sites. AWARC is not responsible for the content of such web sites.

Links are listed in alphabetical order

Amateur Radio Contesting from your Backyard

AMSAT – Amateur Radio in Space

Australian Communications and Media Authority

Eastern Mountain District Radio Club Inc.

Ham radio on the net –

Illawarra Amateur Radio Society

The International Amateur Radio Union

KENWOOD – Australia
Nally Radio Towers Pty Ltd
“Due to the death of Herman, Nally Radio Towers will be closed. All current orders are being made and will be finalized when I am able. I would like to thank everyone for their condolences and messages of comfort. Thank you all… love Rosemary” Posted on their facebook page 23/10/15

Home for Amateur Radio in New Zealand

PK’s Loop Antennas

Queensland Digital Group Inc.

Register of Radiocommunications Licences

Shepparton & District Amateur Radio Club

SOTA home page

SOTA watch alert

Telecommunications Timeline

The History of the Car Radio


Wireless Institute of Australia


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It is the only hobby in the world which allows its participants to communicate and experiment and learn new skills in the process, while learning the “art” of Radio Communications. Many advanced Amateurs experiment with Digital Communication, Using Computers & Radio to complement each other by harnessing the power of the internet and almost all Amateurs are involved in some kind of “Home Brew” projects. Most Amateurs are involved in their local clubs and keep themselves busy with club activities. They organize and take part in field events and “sporting” activities. Most Amateurs are involved in something that interest them and find endless rewards from being part of an inexpensive hobby which has no age barriers.
Wireless Institute of Australia

Albury Wodonga Amateur Radio Cllub