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Australia’s own amateur radio handbook now locally available

For the first time in years Australia’s 14 000 radio amateurs can easily buy a hard-copy handbook written for local conditions. Up to now the Australian Ham Radio Handbook had only been available as an ebook via Amazon.

Author Peter Parker VK3YE says “It’s clear that Australians wanted a paperback version that was available locally at a good price”.

“I’m delighted to announce that Jaycar stores are now carrying the 140-page book for $24.95. Or you can order it via along with other parts you need”.

The Australian Ham Radio Handbook talks about how you can become a radio amateur, set up a station and start making contacts. It’s a practical follow-on from the WIA’s Foundation Manual with information useful for new, established and returning hams. It’s also up to date with content reflecting last year’s revised amateur licence conditions.

Peter added “I thank Dick Smith VK2DIK who not only wrote the foreword but whose own amateur handbook inspired me nearly 40 years ago. I also acknowledge Jaycar for its continuing support of electronics and radio hobbyists in Australia”. He hoped the book would inspire Australians to take up and further their activity in amateur radio.

This is Peter’s seventh book on amateur radio topics. He is a long-time contributor to the WIA’s Amateur Radio magazine and received a Technical Excellence Award in 2018. Jaycar is Australia’s biggest electronics supplier that supports the WIA through advertisements in Amateur Radio magazine.

The Australian Ham Radio Handbook is available in Jaycar stores or can be ordered via their website (link – catalogue number BM2492).

australian ham radio handbook
Australian Ham Radio Handbook

Contact: Peter Parker VK3YE




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