15000km QRP via Solderless Breadboard ATU
On the 16th July 2023 VK2EXA Greg made contact with VK3YE Peter who’s POTA park station was at Seaford Wetlands Reserve out of Melbourne. The contact was made at Peter’s end from his Solderless Breadboard ATU.
The video is about 27 minutes in duration.
In the YouTube video Peter describes how a handful of capacitors and inductors can form an L-match antenna coupler good for matching a 1/2 or 1 wavelength end-fed wire. In fact you don’t even need to solder if you use a solderless breadboard. Later I give it a try from a POTA park.
Suggested capacitor values 10, 27, 47, 100 & 150 pF
Suggested inductor values 1, 2.2 & 4.7 uH
(Consider adding 4.7 & 15 pF capacitors and 0.47uH inductor if you want better 18-28 MHz coverage. Also 3.3 & 6.8 uH for 3.5 & 5 MHz).